HID long range "Tastic RFID Thief" readers for sale on ebay

If you ever wanted to make a tastic rfid thief here is a good deal on readers. If you want to borrow mine to work on anything let me know. I got this to build an RFID thief with antenna you can walk through and would be more than happy to work on it with you…

Here is the Bishop Fox video that was part of starting it all.

I bought one of these and it works great however buyer beware there is no affiliation or endorsement.


Let me introduce you to…


Uses a RTL-SDF attenuated to bluetooth or RFID and can snip rfid, bluetooth, or CCTV from long range with GNURadio.

Switch out to an 80211 Atheros card and one can sniff wifi from range with reaver and wireshark.

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ohh sh&&&&&t thankzZ

… something absurdly conspicuous. Surely one could fashion a functionally equivalent apparatus with a 1/4-20 insert and a tripod that’s both more conducive to prolonged surveillance and markedly less likely to result in awkward conversations with law enforcement types.

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Not while one is sitting in the back of:

FBI Party Van

Don’t forget to set your wifi id to “FBI Party Van” ;):wink:


Flowers by irene


I get that using a folding 10/22 stock looks cool and menacing, but you’re probably going to want to keep that antenna pointed in a consistent direction for a wee bit longer than setting up to drive tacks at a bench.

Ahead of the curve:




That reminds me. A few years ago I set up my wifi as “NSA candy van”. The next day I had a Nissan NV2500 HD van parked around the corner, one knock on thier window scared them off but had some plain cloths snooping around after that for a week and even attempt to hack the wifi.

Point being funny yes but http://gawker.com/5832665/do-not-name-your-wifi-network-fbi-surveillance-van

NSA-honeypot-2 had a brief life concurrent with '3.

They’re multiplying…

Or in other words, new router is here and I’m configuring it before I swap it out for the truly decrepit ISP router.


If one truely wants to multiply thier wifi try setting up dd-wrt with hostapd this is what I’ve done with the few linksys routers I have around to build a wifi honeypot.

The idea is that if anyone connects to the broadcasted ssid thier mac is captured the traffic is captured in moloch and that mac is added to the radius’ blacklist for the actual network which is on a hidden ssid. the rest just spams the airwaves with a flood of ‘linksys’, ‘starbucks’, and ‘free wifi here’ types of ssids.

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Any thoughts on merit of allowing a fixed point service broadcasting the SSID, as opposed to all configured mobile clients wandering around probing for it, both putting your MAC and location on the ether, as opposed to only interacting with broadcast networks when you are in range?

I just purchased a long ra ge read er I am (like always) having trouble with the code. Was hoping you could help out . It’s something to do with the libraries I think. I’ll post the exact problem when I get back to my PC. I just found this forum while walking my dogs…


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