Help with replacing a wheel bearing

I am wondering if someone can meet me at DMS either tomorrow or Friday to help me with replacing a front wheel bearing on a 2017 Ford C Max? It looks like the bearing is going out and I am getting ABS error codes for the right front wheel speed sensor and the wheel tone as well. I did try clearing the codes and they came back rather quickly. I am not sure how to replace a wheel bearing because I have never done it before and would like someone else there to make sure I do it correctly.

If you haven’t yet, I’d highly recommend reading up on the procedure on ProDemand.


I did look up how it is done on YouTube but I will have to check out ProDemand.

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Prodemand is a really useful Auto Committee tool/member benefit. Although I wish it could magically tell what’s actually wrong with my car as opposed to just how to go about fixing it or what it should cost if I take it to a mechanic.

My main concern is how to use the press to get the old bearing out and press in the new bearing.

Do you already have the replacement part?

I do have the bearing and the speed sensor that are needed to be replaced.

Is it a bearing and hub assembly? (Much Easier)

Or a bearing and a big ass circlip? (More involved-but can often be replaced on the car)

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ProDemand actually has some pretty robust diagnostic resources!

You can enter a trouble code, symptom or component into the search bar and return information about that issue.

The “OEM Testing” card has test procedures and flowcharts. This helps narrow down the root cause of the issue.

The “Real Fixes” or Top Repairs cards show information compiled by Mitchell1 about that issue.

Top Repairs charts different solutions/root causes against the mileage of the vehicle.

Real Fixes provides narratives of specific cases where a vehicle has presented with that issue. It documents what symptoms the vehicle presented with, which steps the technician took to diagnose it, what repairs were completed and what the outcome of that work was.

These sections provide a lot of insight to get from symptom>root cause.

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The bearing is pressed into the knuckle and the hub is pressed into the bearing. It is a bearing and a snap ring in the knuckle.
Here is a youtube video I found on removing the bearing in a Ford C Max.
Bearing removal and replacement

Tools like this might allow this to be an “on car” repair, speeding things up and removing the need for a freestanding hydraulic press.

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Is there a slide hammer and a hub puller kit there at DMS?

I believe yes, but If there is, make sure to double check that it’s got all the parts first. I vaguely recall someone mentioning we had one but it was missing a piece of two.

I picked up the bearing puller needed to get the bearing out. One other thing I saw that may be an issue is removing the race from the hub after I pull it out.

You might price out a replacement knuckle with the new bearing already pressed in. The extra cost might be worth the hassle you’d save.

I found an entire knuckle assembly that I am going to pick up and return most of everything else I bought including the loaner tools from AutoZone. I will keep the speed sensor though.

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This is the way for those with separate hubs and bearings. This set is a fraction of the made in USA set I bought 30 years ago.

Not all bearings come as hub & bearing assemblies - most have gone to a much less labor intensive hub/bearing on consumer vehicles after 2000 ish depending on manufacturer.


Almost identical to many German cars from 20 plus years ago! Shitty video - unless using a BFH to remove and install is the plan - to each their own.

At least it wasn’t like one of the many ASE techs that would try to press out the bearing without removing the hub first - not knowing there was a big ass cir-clip doing its job…then asking for a bearing carrier/knuckle after breaking off the caliper mounts (those calls after the fact were entertaining).

Is your replacement knuckle New and complete? Or used and only new to you?

I had a friend help me with the repair and it is working now.