Help with Home Depot plywood pickup? (Friday 9/21/18)

Anyone with a truck willing to help grab 5 sheets of 3/4" MDF from Home Depot Friday evening (7:30-8pm-ish)?

Printmaking will be getting the MDF for the Steamroller event blocks and it’d be nice to avoid the hassle of renting the HD truck if possible. Thanks!

Paul Wilson


Err, yes. The 21st. :sweat_smile:

If you can wait till Saturday, I can grab the work truck before class.


I can get your MDF tonight if you want.
Where do you want to put it once it gets to the Space?

Anywhere convenient, I’ll be in to cut them down to 30x48 blocks and put them in the Printmaking area tonight.

Hey, if it’s gonna get wet don’t bother getting the MDF, it’ll be useless for carving…


Rain delay - perhaps this weekend?

Sunday is supposedly going to be dryer…