So long shot but anyone around the space that may be able to give me a hand working with vegtan for the first time? Attempting to make a safety razor pouch but I’m just winging it I don’t have a kit and I’m kinda treading water atm.
There’s a few of us that teach classes on leatherworking @Webdevel @Lordrook and myself. Do you have a design or pattern in mind? What weight is your leather? Have you taken leather basics class yet?
We’ve all been there. Give us a little more info and I’m sure we can help you out.
What’s the weight (thickness) of the leather you have?
Do you have a picture of the razor pouch you want to make?
If you aren’t already, sign up for the Intro to Leather class (Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar)
I would certainly be happy to help you out pending time coordination.
Sorry, busy day. Yeah I’ve taken the basics class and got some tips and ideas from Steve. I’m using vegtan that’s probably too thick, it just happened to be in the scraps bin, I didn’t caliper it but it’s at least 7 oz I believe with some 3ish oz for strap as seen in pic. But this is what I’m going for.
Big thanks to Steve for taking time to help me out yesterday. Turns out super thick vegtan not the right material lol. Thanks as well to everyone offering to help and to whoever donates the upholstery leather scraps, wouldn’t have got this finished in time without it. Definitely plenty of techniques I need to work on, pretty interesting first project.