Help replacing Camry gaskets?

My ‘01 v6 Camry is becoming my wife’s Camry as our other vehicle can’t hold a tiny human carrier. It has a bad valve cover gasket (as best I can tell) and needs new spark plugs. Never done a gasket replacement, and I’m a little intimidated. Anyone willing to meet me at the space Wed night to help? I can’t contribute much time these days, but I’ll gladly drop some cash in the automotive donation bin.

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Sorry I cannot commit any time in the shop to helping, but…
I don’t blame you for being intimidated. Toyota V6s were among my least favorite engines to work on because it seems like they go out of their way to make simple tasks more complicated than they need to be. Mostly, this centers on (not just Toyota) their insistence on wrapping the intake plenum OVER at least one of the banks of cylinders such that you have to remove the whole shebang to do something as simple as spark plug changes. THEN they wrap vacuum lines, fuel lines, and wiring, etc. up into the mix, too, making it feel like the opportunity for failure is massive. It’s not. Treat it like an onion. Just take off what you need to, and then replace what must be replaced. One massive help for that is to know what you need before you start the job. This video, though not perfect, is pretty accurate, and gives a decent idea of parts needed.

Examples include: intake plenum gasket, spark plug tube seals (don’t use silicone like he shows on these!), new crush washers on the bolts (if you can find them; he uses alternate methods I understand, but can’t condone), PCV grommet, PCV valve, EGR gasket… All this, in addition to the actual valve cover gasket…
Oh, and good call on the spark plugs. They’ll be a cinch while you’re already in there.

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These aren’t copper.
They’re more “grommet-y”, made of steel with a rubber bit…
Here’s a photo of one

Here’s a pic from this discussion about whys and wherefors

here’s a parts diagram taken from here

You can buy them complete with bolt. photo source

or just the “crush washer”/“grommet” thingy, photo sourced here


I’ll lend you a hand and If you want, & I’ll order the parts for your car as well.
I can be at there around 730pm

Wear clothes that you are allowed to get dirty.
Reply here or PM me.


Thank you guys!
@TLAR, I’ll see you Wednesday!