Help out the woodshop, see the world

I need 2-3 people to help perform a monthly maintenance on the ac unit.

This will involve:

Getting the air filters from the office
Going on the roof
Replacing the filters in the woodshop A/C
Getting off the roof
Telling me and infrastructure that it’s been done that month.

As we head into the summer months, replacing the filters regularly is going to be the only way we can keep the woodshop somewhat cool, so this is a key need.

We have a service that replaces the filters monthly, but we need to replace them biweekly based on the amount of dust we’re creating right now, thus, this request.

Please dm me if you’re willing and we will get you trained on how to perform this maintenance.



And you can’t be afraid of heights.

This filter is 1 month old, thus is why we need to do this.

& yes, I turned it off to keep the damage to a minimum since we did not have filters at that point in time.

No tools are required to change them either.


@Team_Metal_Shop I would also like to mention that because of the AC layout, we can’t contribute to the filter’s dust but our area definitely pays the price when it freezes up so if any of you guys would like to volunteer to help out the woodshop I would appreciate it.


Thanks for volunteering Malcolm


I would but I’m not physically fit to climb the ladder. I did it once to help Tim do some repairs up there and I’m more of a volunteer to go get things on the ground now guy.


I’ll do it. Just show me how and I’ll take care of it.


I’m game to help. I’m not a member yet but I’ll be signing up soon! I’m good on ladders, can climb. I’m a pilot but still afraid of heights but I overcome it haha.


That’s 3 volunteers. Thanks all.

Volunteers- You’ll be receiving PMs to coordinate training and we will go from there.

I don’t care what it entails if it means ac in the woodshop sign me up, just let me know what to do how to get there and I’m on it


Much thanks to our volunteers for tackling this- I’m looking for 2 more volunteers to help out on the rotation of this as we are now changing them twice a month.

PM me or reply here to get added to the filter change team.

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I am in the rotation, sub me in coach!

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I’ll volunteer if you still need somebody.

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This is random and unrelated but I tried to literally
Do 1 joint like the stuff you do, and failed do incredibly miserably I would pay money to have the footage erased from the Dms camera lol I don’t know how you do it man,so serious envy of your skill