I got to looking at sewing tools adapted for folks with low vision and one of them
a seam ripper with a 5x magnifying glass got me thinking
I need to figure out how to attack a small 4-5 x magnifying glass to
some of my jewelry tools Static glasses dont seem to work well because of me haing
to use more of my peripheral vision
any ideas? places to look for the magnifying glasses
I may order one of the seam rippers to see how well it works
I am not sure , i need to go try the ones in e lab and see if
I can keep my work in focus I also realize I need to have a closer light also
I amy have carry a lamp around with me!
I will try Sues and see if it works My big issues is that my central vision
is messed up, I have to use my peripherals vision and a lot of magnifiers
magnify in the center wheich doesnt help a lot for me
I have one like that task lamp with the ring light and magnifier at home @Cairenn_Day and it does magnify quite a bit, and the light is nice and bright. This type could possibly magnify enough to be useful for you and the way its positioned is conducive to jewelry making and flipping wire around without too much obstruction that sometimes smaller desk-sitting magnification doesn’t work well for. And it can be moved up fairly close to your face without hunching ergonomically if you need magnification and still holding things kinda close.
And the light is very nice. Ring lights can be a little spendy to replace ($35 on mine a few years ago) but lasted for years, and now I know about a wholesale but open to public lighting place in Lewisville (A to T Lighting folks, cheap specialty bulbs)