Help Name the Lasers!

In a few days we’ll have THREE thunder lasers! :heart_eyes: The Nova 63 big thunder and two Nova 35 baby thunders. This poses a little problem in trying to identify them on things like the Tool Status Board, so we should name them! A few members have made suggestions so far, but I want to hear more and see if we get enough ideas to take a poll. Here’s what we’ve got so far… (Naming order on these is Nova63, Nova35, Nova35, Zing)

Thunder, Donner, Blitzen, and Zing (donner and blitzen mean thunder and lightning in German)

Zap, Pew 1, Pew 2, and Zing

What else have yall got?

  • Zap, Pew 1, and Pew 2 go along with the fun sign proposed by David Summers @pinewoodnut.
  • Short names are useful.
  • Would the Zing be known by any other name? Hardly.

Zuul, Venkman, Egon

of course don’t cross the streams.


Holy laser beams, Batman!
Zing!, Pow!, Wham!, Biff!

Go with the classics…
“I’m Blind” “Right Eye” “Left Eye”
and just leave Zing’s name alone :wink:

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Don’t stare into the lasers with the good eye you have left.

In other news, I knew a girl that was blind in one eye. If you didn’t know, you couldn’t tell. When new engineers would get hired, she would point a laser into her blind eye and ask them if it’s supposed to be warm. Still makes me chuckle thinking about those reactions.

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This is perfect. Also, I love the Christmas seasons so double my vote on this!


I like this a lot, too. This gets my vote.


In the IT world it’s typical to name servers after Norse or Greek gods… or after comic book heroes. Just don’t mix DC and Marvel names together. :slight_smile:

Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, and Ares
Odin, Frigg, Thor, and Balder


I like the idea of naming them after Norse gods.


Moe, Ralph, and Nelson (Ha ha)

Vader, Maul, Renn (and Zing!).

Or the less obvious, lesser known, and barely at the fringe of my knowledge, but I’ll bet everyone else @ DMS knows:
Traya, Nihilus, Sion (and Zing!).

I like this idea but I’d swap one for Loki (maybe whichever gives the most trouble)

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Well, instead of using a pantheon as the guide, you could just name all of the printers after trickster gods…


I’m agnostic on the names of the individual machines, but I insist we call the overall effort to name them, “The Allan Parson’s Project” (I just came up with that).


I’m on board if you’ll set up the laser computers to play “Eye in the sky” when a user logs in.


Larry, Moe and Curly


snap, crackle, pop?

carl, dave and i cannot think of the minions’ names

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this, that, which, what

OMG SO MUCH YES ________

This is a complete sentence you beast of a overseer