Please just try to humor me for a bit. I would like to see {if possible} to gauge how members would MOST LIKELY to use SPACE in the sewing room. Ya, this might seem a bit silly, but how you use space in a sewing room is largely dependent on the types of projects you take on. Flexibility is the best thing for makerspaces anywhere but we do need to plant some bricks in the room so I need to think about how to use the bricks best.
So ya, I might be spinning my wheels, but I would like to see what people are really considering when contemplating the sewing room. Please check off your top three choices - I thought I was making a ranking poll but I suppose I can’t do that.
- Large projects- Laying out/working on large sewing projects like quilting
- Quick small projects - Mending and basic repair with sewing machine or serger
- Medium to large projects - Laying out/cutting pattern pieces
- Small sewing or serger machine projects (small bag, straight seams)
- Long term but small space - Draping/piecing clothing on a mannequin, embroidery machine projects
- Things that can be wall mounted - Piecing quilts together
Well crap, that didn’t work. I suppose check off your top three…drat.
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Would embroidery machine projects fall into “small sewing or serger machine projects”?
yes it would…I typed that when I first drafted this out. I don’t know when or where I took embroidery off this. It wasn’t intentional
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My comment is that while a lot of small projects like mending will be done at the space
that the large projects are one that will likely ONLY be done at the space
When I cut out a long cloak, I ended up getting permission to use the conformance table in the local
library to cut it out, Many of us may have a machine at home, but not a good space to do medium and large
My biggest working at home problem is definitely cutting things (especially with cats trying to tap-dance across the fabric). I can sew there but it’s an exercise in patience to get anything traced, cut, marked, or some days even ironed.
My only request is that people take their stuff/project with them and not pile up their scraps and maybe scraps/maybe in progress next to the tables. And all the threads bits!
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