This was susposed to be at 7 pm on Tues night, can it be changed >
This was susposed to be at 7 pm on Tues night, can it be changed >
Calendar events cannot be rescheduled. You will have to cancel/delete the event and make a new one.
I will just see if anyone wants it at that time
It can’t be rescheduled. However … you could
(1) edit the description to explain that the “real” class is at 7pm
then create a nearly duplicate event (with no honorarium) in order to “reserve” the jewelry studio:
(2a) create the new event at the correct time and give it a different title, like Rolling Mill class (Correct time)
(b) set the attendees to 1 - then register yourself once it opens
(c) explain in the description that the class is really at 7pm, but give them the link to the sign-up event at 1:14 am