Help engraving a photo on glass

I’m having a terrible time engraving a photo on glass. It is a portrait. After a few tries I realized that inverting the image ( negative) was needed. I tried inverting the photo in RDWorks but I ended up also inverting the background. Trying to avoid etching a solid white background, I then tried 1st making sure I had removed the background and 2nd inverting the image using Gimp. I then exported the image to png and confirmed that inserting the png image into a word document allowed text to show through the transparent background; the background really is transparent in the png. Importing that back into RDWorks and the background is back… RDWorks seems to ignore the fact that the background is transparent. Can anyone give me a hint how to get RDWorks to recognize the transparent background on an image file?

I’ve tried a lot of things, using png vs. gif; filling the background with complete black and telling RDWorks to invert the image, etc. Every time RWorks insists on engraving the background. I uploaded the images to the wiki here: User:Mstovenour - Dallas Makerspace

Have you tried making the background white, and not transparent. In a PNG a pixel can be both black and transparent. If RDWorks isn’t recognizing the transparency bit, then all it sees is the color.

Saving it as a jpeg is a quick way to great rid of a transparent blackground that RDWoks might be bonking on.