HELP! Digital Media (AV) Committee : Video & Photography Subcommittee

Who is interested in joining and/or leading the Digital Media “Visual Arts and Technology” subcommittee?

Subjects Include

YouTube WebSeries, Documentary, Screenwriting, Camera Operations, Lighting, Non-linear editing, Graphics, Special Effects, Set Design and Building, Shot composition, Crowdfunding, Shot composition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Macro Photography, Studio Photography, Nature Photography, Color Saturation, Digital Photo Contrast, Pinholes, Light and Aperture Size

Please message me, e-mail me, or text with the subject “visual arts” Sign up sheets will also be posted in the DM room towards the end of the week. natasha.cooks@gmail com (469) 444-0566

Meeting Notes and Overview are located on this thread for more information → Meeting Replay