My name is Francisca and I’ve finally jumped into the Makerspace I do a lot of things, I just have never found the time to actually go there, but I plan to change that soon.
My crafts are weaving, woodcarving, calligraphy, illumination and parchment making! I also sew a tiny bit but just out of necessity.
My interests? forge, woodworking and lathe, pottery, and probably anything you can offer, even if just to try it.
I do have a question though. My sister and her boyfriend are visiting from abroad in around a month, and for her birthday I’d like to give her a chance to make something that she would not normally be able to. I know that for a lot of things you need to take the training classes. Is there a chance to know when they would be this ahead of time, to see what can I offer her? I’m thinking forging, laser cutting, glass or something similar that she can take back.
Francisca welcome! I hope you teach a calligraphy class. Look for project classes on we have a lot of classes. Do you know when they’ll be in town?
They can visit as your guests, but as visitors couldn’t use our tools. You could purchase a membership for one or both of them for the time they are here. If they will be staying at your home your sister would be eligible for the “Family Member Add-on” rate of $10/mo.
For classes that are that far out, your best bet would be to contact the Committee Chair of the areas you are interested in, or the teachers of previous/current classes you are interested in. The Wiki, Calendar and Talk are good sources for that info.
What do you consider a simple project, what type of forge do you teach? I need to set up my own expectations XD, because as my dear husbands says I don’t like lvl 1.
I am teaching a leather notebook class exactly like the one linked below on July 26th in the evening, and I also do woodturning project classes. I will likely teach one more wand making class around the time they are in town if that sounds of interest (as you have pointed out, they’ll have to take the Lathe Basics class first).
Lathe sounds amazing… it has been on my personal list for ever. And she’s is a big Harry Potter fan so the wand idea sounds really cool. I would have to check when is the lathe class
Soo… it looks like I was waaaay out of topic. They are thinking in either 3d printing or painting with… aerograhper?? (The tool that looks like a miniature version of the spray paint pistol used to paint cars, sorry my English is failing me :() They both play Star wars miniatures and are thinking on buying one to plaint their own.
Don’t worry, I’m planning to take all the other classes myself XD
according to Merriam-Webster, an aerographer is one who sprays with an airbrush. I suspect “airbrush” is the English word for which you’re searching.
That’s under CA’s purview – Roger Valles @rvalles70 is the chair.
For future reference, here’s the list of ALL chairs/committees: