I’m unable to commit to smoothing my own discipline into your galley just yet, but I dig your set-up! Did any of you need hands next weekend? It would be a fun way to meet and greet if you’re down.
I currently workfor a gross anatomical pathology lab but graduated from UTD with my bachelor in molecular cell biology. On top of that, I did histology for three years in a neuroscience lab. I hope my experiences could be of use to you before I get my own project going, but I look forward to assisting any way I can.
Hi Jaime, nice to meet you and thanks for the compliment. @Josh_Melnick will prob be very interested to speak with you as he heads up the biology front. Good days and times to find our group out at the space are usually (not always) Sundays at 2:30 and Wed and Thurs nights. What can we do for you to get more Life Science going in our committee?
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Whooo! After too long, I’m in.
The first order of business I would like to assist with is starting repairs on your NAPCO autoclave (and whatever other instruments are currently sub-operational).
I’m making a list!
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