The plunger for auto calibration seems to go too far in before triggering,
after calibrating the end of sensor is dragging on my material. I nearly
hit emergency off while auto focusing as it looked like it wasn’t going to
During the class on Wednesday, it seemed to take considerable movement to calibrate the laser - to the point that the instructor was concerned - but it wasn’t dragging on the material.
I am a new member, and I attended the training class on Wednesday also. I then went online and downloaded the manual for this laser:
In that manual on page 30, there is a section on “FOCUSING”.
“Your laser included a focus ruler sized for the included 2-inch focal length lens.”…
…"As an ALTERNATIVE to the focus ruler, you can use the included autofocus mechanism. FSLaser
recommends using the focus ruler to achieve best results.
So, I think we could save some damage to the laser and maybe some downtime if we could find the focus ruler and use it instead of using the “alternate” method of autofocus. It looks like the ruler is just a piece of L-shaped acrylic so if we can find the specs, we can probably cut one.
After the class last Wednesday, someone (I think it was Pierce) put a new focusing lens on the laser head. As I understand it, the new lens has a different focal length than the old lens. Do we have a tool for the new lens?
Richard: No. Not at this time.
Paul: Someone, while we were at the old location, threw away the
calibration piece that we created. BTW wrong manual.
What is wrong about the manual?
The pictures in that manual look just like the model I saw in the space.
There were two laser issues when I came in this morning ~ 9:30:
the top left corner of the grill bed was hung up on the frame - it was anything but normal to the laser. I put it flat again, but part of the frame juts out past square, so it seems too easy to get caught with Z translation.
the auto focus sensor seemed to go to far into the plunger - so much so that I did hit the emergency stop. After confirming it was repeatable, I just manually eyeballed the height, and was able to cut 3mm acrylic pretty well. It does seem like something has changed with the plunger in the last few weeks…
Can we verify which lens is in the laser right now so we know what the proper focal length should be?
Thanks @Romeo_Espana for adjusting the auto focus plunger - by 4pm it’s triggering & behaving like it did a few weeks ago.
On the other issue, the frame of the grill sticks out past square:
It is translating well enough in Z, but it only takes a little nudge to interfere at one corner or another. Seems like something should be done but I didn’t want to rush to action w/o committee support…
I second hardsuit, and can we get a ruler made to use in case the “autofocus” malfunctions again?
I took the grid over to woodworking and used a clamp to straighten it up.
I have the same laser cutter at the Perot and have the manual rulers, so I can recreate and cut us a set if need be.
i worked with romeo to make the other lense “hot swappable” so you wouldnt need to calibrate it every time it was changed out. I did leave that night before it was changed back to the “normal” cutting lense because another member was using it, it may have not been re installed correctly.
alas, i thought i gave clear instructions…
It worked fine when I left and had swapped it back to normal and I had waited for a second member to come in who cut his acrylic using his previous values exactly with no issues.
So, the autofocus is working just fine?