This blipped across my screen today.
I joke with friends, family, and colleagues that “what we all need is classes on complaining, and receiving complaints, constructively”. This feels like one of the lessons, and I hope by sharing I will better remember (and practice) the lesson, and maybe help someone else, too.
(Yes, there’s a paywall; when I accessed it states we get 3 free, so…)
TL:DNR (or paywalled):
Identify the problem
State what needs to happen
Offer to help
Implied more than stated: think it through from the other person’s point of view before acting at all; remove emotion to the greatest extent possible, especially anger.
You joke, but I’ve had (and taught) classes on very much similar topics. And it’s really hard, since our instinctual brains don’t change terribly quickly. Frameworks like this tend to help (I tend to use Crucial Conversations), and it’s really really important to learn, especially if you manage people (small or adult).