Hey everyone i wanted to let yall know that I have put a committee meeting on the schedule for Wednesday 8/30/17 at 7pm I would like it if you could all attend. As well as anyone else reading this that has something they would like to contribute to the committee!
Thanks for adding the meeting to the calendar.
I’ll try and start a meeting agenda.
Hatchers BOD agenda item.
- The BOD approved the request for funds towards the bullet casting, allocating the full $500 required to pay off the casing equipment we purchased. I (Nick Sainz) will arrange for payment to be made.
Hatchers funds
- Currently unsure of the balance, probably around $400.
- Need to follow up with @Lampy on honorarium for @thatguy’s Ar15 class.
@Axel_Ohmstede is working on pistol reloading class and casting pistol bullets class.
I would like to try and bring @bknapp in for a second round of Ar15 build classes. In particular trying to do a set of different full build parts lists with links to vendors.
I’m considering doing a class talking about reloading for long range precision shooting and the issues I’ve run into and solutions that have been shared with me.
Purchases needed:
I did a run down of the cleaning class, we should look over that and make sure we are in a good spot, I think it would be smart to pick up some gun grease and rust preventative to help complete our offering.
We need to find a good rolling cabinet for storing consumables that we don’t want walking away, like lead and components for classes.
Hatcher’s thanks
I would like to thank @mblatz for purchasing the cleaning brushes. This was much appreciated.
Thanks to the BOD for their support of the come in fully funding our agenda item, this allows us to fill in some more of our gaps we have in reloading tooling or support items.
Thanks to @Team_Jewelry for their help in repairing the rammer on the rcbs rock chucker. With out the dremel and used cutting wheels we would of been out of commission much longer than the day we were down.
Balance shown last night was $238.
Thanks for the total @Photomancer
The class was marked as an event instead of a class. So therefore marked as Do not Pay in the database. If you get someone with more authority than me to let me redo it I I can cut a check on the next batch.
4 things for the agenda please -
1 pistol reloading class finalization
- supply fees - what - how much
- syllabus finalization
- posting the event
- class size?
2 We need to weigh the lead ingots and settle on a price for some of it to finalize things for Thurman and I towards paying off Don - I think we should stamp the ingots with hardness, type & weight - I have stamps to do this with. Challenge is weighing them.
3 Hatchers inventory updates. Wiki tool list is past due for updates.
4 Bullet casting class - starting this discussion more seriously…
This might be a long shot, but does Jewelry or Science have something suitable to weigh them?
what is the complication with weighing the ingots? is it lack of an accurate scale or what?
And Don is taken care of with the money from the BoD
Most of our scales have a very limited weight range because things are light but the scales do 0.1 grams in many cases.
If they weight 5lb< then there are probably scales that can be used.
I have a scale at the office I can borrow to weigh lead.
I am coming from another meeting so I may be a little late, but I’ll be there.
Where is everyone meeting?
In the common area who ever gets there first try to hold down a largish section of a table for us! Lol
I should be able to get over there by 7.
Meeting Follow Up
@bhouse is making a list of additional loading supplies needed & building us an inventory.
@Axel_Ohmstede Find us a rolling lockable tool cabinet.
@Nick building a rolling tumbler.
@thatguy working on finding out if we can do a shooting event at proactive.
How accurate does the scale need to be? And I totally forgot to grab that hardness tester from hatcher’s last night
If it’s for ingots, this is a great option:
Plenty accurate, down to 1/10 of an oz.
That’s a good scale.