When I lived in Phoenix, we had a great source for all types of hardwood and exotics. I have tried most of the places listed in previous posts. But they have relatively skimpy choices. Wood World and Rockler have a nice supply of pen blanks, but that gets expensive and are a bit small for larger pens. It would nice to find the same types of wood in dimensional lumber. I would even be able to take a road trip if there was better place was a bit closer than Phoenix Anyone know of such a place?? Oklahoma?? Austin?? Fort Worth??
You’re not going to find a large/comprehensive source in DFW. Of the ones I frequent, Wood World has the best selection generally, but Dakota and others sometimes have interesting stock come in. Sometimes you can special order a needed species, but its dependant on supplys available.
I’ve had very good luck shopping lately at McKinney hardwoods. The guy running it doesn’t keep a huge stock, but he is very selective about what he stocks, usually has a pretty good selection, and his prices are often pretty decent. Nice guy too. He has a website you can google for. I’ve started checking with him first these days.
If you start with our own wiki, the web site is posted, along with other possible leads, on the “wood suppliers” page.
Keep us posted on your findings; it helps the hive mind make better future decisions…
which types of hardwoods and exotics are you looking for?
+1 for McKinney hardwood. That guy is top notch. Just call before you go, he sells out of his home shop.
Harden sawmill in Sanger is worth looking into as well. Mostly local stuff I believe.
Wood World and Central Hardwoods give a nominal discount for Makerspace members.
Dallas Hardwoods off Goodnight Lane. They are only about 10 minutes from DMS.
Goodnight is just one block west of Walnut Hill off 35E. I have been shopping there for 10 years.
They have all kinds of wood at reasonable prices and a 44" monster planer/sander.
My notes from basics have cheapest written next to Central hardwoods. Iirc it was significantly cheaper. Caveat is they don’t let you walk the warehouse but apparently will go back and forth until you find a decent piece. At least that was @cghaly’s experience I believe?
Web address wasn’t working. I fixed it.