I’d like to get my ham license. Do we have a study group I could join to cram for a test?
Please don’t do that… it’s the absolute worst way to study for it and pretty much anything else.
Print out all the questions and answers and just review them for like 10 minutes a night, and maybe read a study guide book for whatever level you’re working with so you have some foundation if you don’t understand what the questions mean.
Some radio clubs offer occasional classes. Search for names of cities near where you live along with “amateur radio club.” Its more fun to study with a group but it is very reasonable for self study. The first license is Technician and the second is General. I’m not aware of a Technician class but Plano has a General class coming up.
Many clubs offer license exams on a regular basis.
Brady - W5LH
[Edit] The question pool with answers is widely available on the internet. There is an incredible amount of free study information available. I would greatly encourage you to visit two or three local clubs. Visitors are always welcome.
Personally I found KB6NU’so free no nonsense study guides to be the most helpful when I was studying for tech, and worth the minimal cost for the next two.
If we can get a few people together who are interested I’d love to help out, I’m not perfect on everything but I know where to dig out the answers and am fairly good at reframing/explaining. I’d also be happy to set up a time to do some one on ones with you OP, but like you said it’s more fun with a bigger group.
So the answer to the question I asked is: no.
I already have the AARL’s study guide. The additional study guides are great and I’ll see if I can connect with one of the local groups that you guys pointed me to.
I’d love to get something going inside of DMS. Once things settle down for me I’ll see if I can organize something.
There are great flash card apps (free) for studying for the exam. Most are limited to the actual questions and answers, but some give explanations as to why answers are correct or incorrect.
Using those won’t teach you much theory but will definitely help you pass the exam. An app was all I ever used and I passed Technician handily and immediately after started taking the General exam. Halfway through I decided to give up but the guys scored my partially completed exam and told me that if I had kept it up I would have passed. That was with perhaps 4-5 hours of doing nothing but flash cards.
How’s the studying going @jakewatkins ? Hitting any bumps we could help with?
The bumps have to do with work at the moment. Thanks for checking on me.
At the moment the ham license is somewhere in the backlog behind getting a class done for PluralSight, building a rack for my pickup, doing my MCSD certification, etc.
I can relate to that kind of a backlog. Hope things get cleared up for you. If you ever have some spare time want to try and meet and do some third party communication to try it out let me know and we’ll work it out.