Are there any pre reqs for doing the training? I’m really not versed in metals or machining or CAD. Should I hold off on the class? If so what skills should I be looking to pick up to get ready for HAAS training?
How often is this training done?
What’s the agenda? Class is 6 hours. Is that 3 hour lecture and 3 hour demo time? Looks like there’s a small project as well?
Not sure how to contact the instructor. Thanks for any help/answers!
Look for the fusion 360 CAD classes by Adnan @thespacemaker , Kee @fedakkee, or myself. It will help.
The instructor is @nicksilva. Currently, he is the only instructor. Scheduling is up to him and his availability. He has taught it once a month this year except April and June.*
*Past performance is no indication of future performance for Stocks and investing.
there are no prereqs for taking the class. However, it is neither a cad or machining class. You need to learn those things on your own. The first part concentrates on CAM - creating the tool paths not the model. the 2nd is on the machine operation. there are lots of machining concepts to learn.
The HAAS is an industrial level machine. It can do simple things, but it of itself is not a simple machine. It’s got a boatload of options that the simpler CNCs do not. With the upcoming move there will likely be an interruption on when I have a class in the future. If we don’t get some cutting fluids soon, the haas will have to be shut down until some is ordered.
Ok, really appreciate the replies. I won’t rush into this. Gonna cut my teeth on some smaller stuff first and hold off for a bit since I have zero metal skills.
David Kessinger hinted me to contact you for referring a candidate who can use the Hass to make some parts I designed in Solid Edge 3D models. My estimate of the work time is 2 hours and have funds ready to pay for this task. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please contact me at [email protected] or 817-571-6670 for more details.
Thank you.
I’d suggest getting reasonably comfortable with Fusion360 before taking the HAAS class. It will help.
Likewise, take the Bridgeport class. That’ll get you some basic introduction to milling machines.
Neither are requirements, but the class for the HAAS is a firehose of information. Trying to take it all in cold is tough.
I went thru the class back on the previous version of the CAD software. Never finished the domino. So I’m going to have to start over. We’re finally converging on one specific CAD package - Fusion360 - for a lot of the systems at DMS. That will be a good tool to learn for 3D printing too for example.
Point is if you’re struggling to figure the CAD tool out and then how a basic milling machine works, you will miss a lot of stuff important to the HAAS. So get yourself a head start with the Fusion360 classes mentioned above and the Bridgeport class. They’ll help.