Are there instructions somewhere on how to export the GCODE from fusion 360 and what you want them called? I believe that I am done, but the instructions only say discuss what to do. I went to actions, Post Process, but I don’t remember what you said to put for the Post Configuration. Default is acramatic.cps.
I remember the program name 902 and Comment Domino setup 1, but I also don’t remember what to call the file or where to put it. Google drive maybe? I know that I’m supposed to email you a link, but I also do not have your email. Sorry for the questions, just need a little nudge.
you must grab the post processor file from the committee drive under training/haas. it is HAAS-VF2-1-1_2. Put it in a directory and when you go to post process you point it to that directory.
It will pick up the post processor automatically. Generate the files and call them 902.nc and 903.nc and put them on the member drive under you name and any subfolder you want and send me an email as to where they are. You should also export your project file from Fusion and put it in the same directory. I will be at DMS tomorrow for tour night as well as Saturday and Sunday. If you do need help you can catch me there.
You can also contact Nick directly by clicking on his name on Talk, then clicking on “Message” to send him a Private Message (PM). You don’t need his email address to do that.
That is good information. I have tried to PM people in the past, and have not been able to figure out how. I kept trying to find a message button.
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