HAAS Class in the near future?

I’m trying to keep an eye out for the next class for the HAAS. Given what I’ve heard about it being two days + a practical I’d like to see it far enough in advance I can request time off if I need to.

Is there a typical time of the month / known upcoming I can look for?


They are not contiguous, and you register for them individually (with separate fees). Many people only complete part one or part two and never complete the practicum. There are two separate (two to three-ish) hour sessions, typically a week or more apart - plus the practical, which is typically scheduled individually with the instructor.

EDIT: Here are links to two prior sessions so you can get an idea of what it entails.

Part One
Part two

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that’s much more reasonable than what I have heard; I guess I’ll just have to be keeping an eye out on the calendar… really should be a function to get a notification when certain categories have updates.
Maybe I should try and script that.


Would be nice … in the meantime, if you have an Android, you can use the “new additions” app that will list all the new additions for you.


I will be scheduling it on a sunday in May. It will be a combined class of 1&2, so 6 hours long. It is all the time I have to donate.


Approximately when do you think a date will be picked and added to EventBrite for the next HAAS training class? When should I start checking the calendar for a new event?

what’s EventBrite? I only schedule to the DMS calandar.
It is scheduled for May 20 so as not to interfere with Mother’s day or Memorial day.
It should appear in 72 hours. There are 15 slots.

TAKE NOTE - this may be my last one for a while. I will still be around for testing or helping out with personal projects.

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