While I can appreciate that PR and volunteers are enthusiastic during tour night - it is NOT OK to leave my personal stuff out. This is the 2nd week where I was out and someone during tour night pulled my box of examples out from the tool box. That is ok - but GODAMNIT - put it back up at the end of the night or DON’T use it!!! (is that enough exclamations for you to get the gist?)
I participated on the tour last night. I’m sorry I didn’t notice we didn’t put your stuff away last night. Your demo items were really cool.
thank you.
I noticed them out (and am pretty sure that I gave the last tour) but didn’t know where to return them to. Is there a specific place that we can find and return these items to?
yes sir. bottom drawer of the HAAS toolbox.
thank you.
I was the one who pulled them out for the first tour. I left them on the table for the tour behind me. I was giving tours for a couple hours and simply forgot to go back and check if they where put back. My bad
Report to next Machine Shop meeting for a proper chastisement. As well as a thank you for giving tours and teaching Bridgeport classes.
I put it up this afternoon as well as made more coolant pre-mix.
thank you sir. A gentleman as always!