Hello Machine Shop Friends,
Starting Monday, I will be on a quick-start 90 day contract which will be quite beneficial to me. The bad part is that it is a 4 day 2nd shift gig (2:30p-12:30a). that means I will not be available during the week (unless of course if you want to meet at 2:30 in the morning). I’ll try to be at the space on the weekends for doing any test outs and maintenance issues. Unfortunately, that means I’ll have to cancel any classes and committee meetings I had scheduled during the week. I’ll reschedule the Machine Shop meetings but they will be on a Friday or Saturday. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do any classes during that time. I’ll know once I get use to the shift.
I won’t have phone/internet access while on site, but please continue to send any questions/concerns using TALK. I’ll answer as soon as I am able. cheers!
thank you. those are easy for me to do. Not many of class 1 more on to class 2 and even less to class 3.
what we need are more lathe, bridgeport, and sherline classes.
I’m checked out to do basic Sherline Lathe class and could probably do basic Mill. I’m going to try and make the next machine shop committee meeting, maybe discuss classes then.
Completely understand. A couple of us are interested in the HAAS class - please let me know when a class could potentially be scheduled - we would certainly be flexible on scheduling on our end.