Gorgeous video of artisans crafting ceramics in Icheon

Would love 0.01% of the skill these people have

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Amazing what a lifetime of practice can do. I hadn’t seen this particular video before, I’ve seen the one below.

Exquisite. I’m not particularly a big fan of the celadon glaze, but seeing it here puts it in a new light. That one vase with the cranes is an pretty nice replica of the (12th century) 68th national treasure of Korea. Amazing!!


Here is a video doing it the really hard way. :slight_smile:

Amazing what you can do with dirt, cow pies and immense skill! We have no excuse for making crappy pots.

We have all the excuse in the world for making crappy pots! If we want to get better we need to fail and learn, and fail and learn, ad nauseum. :smile:

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yes exactly, need to make lots of crappy pots. practice, practice, practice!

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