Please do not put googly eyes on toilets or urinals, for obvious reasons.
I thought the pee-eyes were fun.
That said, googly eyes do not belong on everything (like making cameras malfunction), but if a person feels appropriate I am okay with their placement. Just let’s not make it too obnoxious, ya?
(the above statements are just me and my opinion)
I guess most of these are also out…
But if we institute a policy of “don’t do creepy things at the 'Space”, we’ll lose half our membership!
For the record, I didn’t do it (not that I felt I was a suspect), but my worn out brain did laugh a bit uncontrollably earlier today.
I find them to always be humorous. but perhaps they were “Earthquake Detection Kits”
easily mistaken.
Is the obvious reason just due to being affixed to the porcelain makes cleaning around them impossible, so they should be attached to the wall instead?