Google Talks; was A bad manager but good volunteers


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Are google videos still a thing? Neat. Here’s my favorite from back in the day.

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Brilliant! @Lordrook

We should do this kind of Talks at DMS and video them … a Maker Talk over Lunch

Besides the Hackerspace one I posted above … I liked this one …

Too bad all the good cameras have been stolen out of Digital Media…

We have a plethora of 4k cameras …

I think we might want to put out to people that might want to suggest interesting people and talks that we could have so that we could invite them.

Problem I have with watching this is that’s there is 2:16 of awkward intro. At 2:17 he finally says what his talk is about. This is a personal gripe, not a thumbs down on the idea of the OP. Thank you for letting me vent. :slight_smile:

Which video? I posted two videos … the main one is at the top … Mitch Altman is great

First one. Mitch’s. No prob with the content.

Edited: He didn’t have control of the fornat and editing. Plus, I realize video presentations have changed through the years. I’m just whining about the pace at the beginning.