Gold in the resin? For Form1 3D Printer

is it possible to buy resin with gold particles in it? I would buy it myself for the formlabs if so, I coudn’t find a table or list of resins for sale on their website.

I believe we only allow resins sourced through Form Labs to be used on the printer. So you are limited to the options they sell. Also, as the printer uses light to par-set the resin, particulates may be of issue.

What is the project that you are attempting that? There may be other ways to get your desired outcome?

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I don’t think the Formlabs has gold resin. There are ABS and PLA gold filament but have not seen any in person, anyone ever try any of these?

Other option would be to print the piece and then create a mold of it. You can then use a 2 part resin and gold metallic pigment to cast a “gold” version of it. @maxk68 does classes on casting with metallic pigments.

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I want the gold for its chemical properties

hey Josh, what is the application of said resin object? did you need something in a very specific shape, or will any resin infused with gold particulates suffice? I ask because I can just cast you some with some gold leaf flakes in there.

For Example:


that looks really cool, did you make that?

No I need it on the surface, I want to make a foam like material like microscopic swiss cheese with gold all over the surface of it to perform some chemistry experiment using gold surface.

I did not, but I could make one of those no problem.

I understand. not sure my type of resin cast would work then. Good luck sir!

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you cast materials with metal particles in them right?

Sometimes, yes. I put all kinds of crazy stuff in there, barley and hops, copper shavings, potpourri, brass wool, gold leaf, pine cones, aluminum honeycomb, colored pencils, crack cocaine…

Ok not really with the crack cocaine, but yes to those others.