GlassWorks small equipment - Saturday

Listed on the Event calendar
This is an event not an honorarium class.

I am volunteering time to demonstrate the use of the Glassworks saws and grinders and sander.

The equipment will be demo only since they have water recirculating.

This is for a group of 5 only. Attendees must remain six feet apart and have mask.

Equipment will be set up in the interactive room so it can be spaced out.

All attendees will be cleared to use this equipment when the event is completed.

Close toed shoes are required

Thank you,
Anita Willis


I can help you set things up if needed :+1:

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April you are such a great person!

Just doing my civic duty :rofl:

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That sounds like fun. I’ve always been interested in stained glass.

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I can’t believe it’s full already :pensive: Please let me know if someone cancels or if you ever teach another, I really need to get signed off on the saws and the sander for my stained glass projects