We had a great unofficial glass meeting on Sunday. A total of 10 maker were present. Several Makers express there interest but, were out of town for Father’s Day.
The new names tossed to the hat were Glass Arts and GlassWorks. With a vote of 9 GlassWorks is the winner.
We reviewed our inventory, equipment repair needs, and our monthly consumable needs. There was a great deal of dicussion about about the expansion, and the need to purchase 2 more small kilns.
We defined who was interest in teaching Glass Classes. Teach The Teacher classes will soon be on the calendar so our teachers can start practicing their craft. Our hands are tied as far as student class, since most of our equipment is in storage, and we have 1 small glass kiln currently available, I have full cofidence once we have space and our equipment is up and running, our Glass teachers will be ready to share what they have been practicing.
Our committee would like to be able to have beginning Stain Glass classes, and project Stain Glass classes. We are researching the cost of equipment, tools, and consumables, while also searching for a teacher.
The topic “Know Your Glass!” was also briefly discussed since mixing COE’s is a no~no. It was brought up that we should keep some glass and Thinfire paper in stock for our members to use on small projects, when we receive our space. Also, this should be one type of COE glass to prevent glass COE’s getting mixed up. We will define this more at our next meeting
I gave a microwave kiln demo and fired a pendant in 9 minutes. This demo will done again at our next meeting since so many of our interested members were out of town.
We will be meeting in 2 weeks for the chair vote and further discussions on the above items.
I have two commercial microwaves I bought at an auction years ago for drying wood. Never used them and I could donate to the Space if you want them. One is 110 and the other is 220.
@jeffbob this is why you’re one of my favorite people. You give your time, tools, expertise, and just get in and help where you can when you can. You are just awesome bro!
Thanks for the attaman. I still have to do those 20 belts we cut together.
What tool do I need to do the edges? I was thinking of buying one and just
take them out in my shop, put one end in a vise and do them like that.
Jeff Whitcomb
2100 Bowling Green
Denton, TX 76201
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW [email protected]
That would be great! We really do need some microwaves to start getting classes going. Please let us know if the microwaves that are at least 1100 Watts. Anything lower won’t give us the result we need.
This will free up more space so I can bring back some of the 50 mesquite trees back to my shop I have been cutting. I am not a wood hoarder. Just saving trees from the burn pile…
Jeff Whitcomb
2100 Bowling Green
Denton, TX 76201
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW [email protected]
I personally like “Fun House.” Like at the Carnival…
Jeff Whitcomb
2100 Bowling Green
Denton, TX 76201
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW [email protected]