Hello All. I hope you’re well.
My name is Christopher Burns and I’m an engraving artist. I hand engrave many materials however my passion is in glass. I would like to set up a hand engraving class,and would like to consult with the appropriate persons in the department for the best course of action.
I’m the kinda guy that’s gotta circle the pond before I go skinny dippin’, and I need a guide to keep me outta patches of poison ivy! Hahaha!
Thanks to anyone that can help.
Not an answer to your question. However, I’m just curious: does cutting arbitrary curves and beveling glass fall within your expertise, or is that more of a patch of poison ivy that you tend to avoid? Asking for a friend …
Hi Darrent. unfortunately I don’t have the specialized equipment for glass beveling, and I haven’t done a lot of curved line glass cutting. I certainly know the principles involved, and I’m not afraid to try.
Hey Christopher. What kinds of tools, space, and equipment are needed to do this kind of hand engraving? That I know of, we don’t have anyone at DMS that currently does this. It would help to know what supplies are needed, to point you to the right committee.
Thanks Webdevel. I currently have a few dremel 400/flex shaft, 1 dremel 9100, 1 foredom sr flexshaft. The smaller dremels need brushes for their motors, but are inexpensive and easy to fix.
I can think of a lot of ways to go about this, which is why I want to meet with someone to work out space and set up. I’m willing to meet at other’s convenience provided I’m not previously obligated.
I do love to engrave metals, however i use an unorthodox technique. it’s a little like painting with the grain of the metal. my web page has a few examples posted. I’m happy to share my knowledge.
@nicksilva does some very nice engraving with our HAAS CNC mill for metals.
If you’ve not been on one of the Thursday night tours, I’d suggest that you take one as you’ll get a lot better idea of what’s what by seeing it in person.
Thanks Adam. I’ve been to a couple open houses, and on those visits there weren’t any metal engraving examples. However, you have pricked my interest. I’ll definitely check it out.
I’m not sure we’ve got the right stuff for beveling glass, but Glassworks has a lovely ring-saw that will cut about any shape you want. Look for the Glassworks classes to be able to use.
Hello @ChristopherBurns, I would love to talk with you about this. I am currently in Ga on vacation. I will be back at DMS sometime next week. I was a Dremel distributor for several years and I am familiar with the technique.
Hello Ms. Willis, I hope you’re well. I am very much looking forward to meeting with you about setting up a class. I also look forward to seeing what i might add to the glasssworks dept. I am free all day Mon. and Wed. and i get up around 5am every day. I’m happy to work with whatever schedule is convenient for you.
Thank you for you time.