Getting Started with STM32

Getting Started with STM32 class, Tuesday, April 19th, 7PM-9PM, at, Richardson.
This is a free class I’m hosting to introduce folks to the STM32 family.
We will be using the NUCLEO-F103RB development board, creating projects, building the project, downloading the resulting binary, and showing the use of the on-board JTAG/SWD debugger.

Signup via following Meetup link:

Hope to see you there,
Jim Merkle


The “Getting Started with STM32” class was a success with 17 signed up for the class and 15 showing up / participating. For the most part, everyone appeared to have made it through the material being presented, with about half of the class completing the “command_line” project.
Thank you to all who participated!

I’m looking forward to the next class and I’m currently leaning toward a “FreeRTOS” class, where we would implement FreeRTOS on an STM32 board, create several threads, with one thread just blinking the LED. If time permits, we could look at how “taking a snapshot” of the currently running threads supports functionality similar to the Linux “top” program.
Please let me know your thoughts concerning the next class.

Thanks again,
Jim Merkle