Getting Blackout Poetic

Thanks to @KG5BZN for putting together last night’s Blackout Poetry class! It was a lot of fun to get together, tear pages out of old books (even though that goes against the very fiber of my being, lol) and created poetic pieces based on select words from those pages.

The results were varied and oh so fun, from dark to quirky, to peacefully meditative. I wanted to start this thread for those who attended last night to share their pieces.

I’ve attached mine below:

Poor are they without art
for they have not balance

Be excited,
we generations from an era
of decaying wealth;
today the boundaries fail

we have yielded powerful promises
only to kneel in the eye of jealousy and resentment

It was great to meet Carla, @tomthm and Amanda last night! Hope you share your pieces here!


I was so impressed with how truly creative this group was (and presumably, still is). It WAS a lot of fun. It is amazing that such creative works came from books like, “The Gift” by James Patterson, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki, “Life in the Word” by Joyce Meyer, “The Reformation” by Will Durant, and “Chicken Soup for the Girl’s Soul” by various authors.

Tommy came up with a great idea for the next time we do this. I will make copies of several page(s) of a book then each of us will create our own poetic work from the same page(s). It will be interesting to see what we each come up with.

As requested, I will set up another Blackout Poetry class - probably in a couple of weeks.


They were, most of them, abandoned,
maybe wounded.
We decide to do the journey
always hungry, exhausted,
without knowing.

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his affection,
kindly, by instinct,
almost so great for her

but to remain a living soul,
to know peace,
he mourned, exposed,
at home

he lived, he came
and was unknown

he drank the water of life
into intoxication

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I second that emotion. I went expecting fun, and it was fun. It was also really satisfying. I’m looking forward to the next one. I hope some more folks come.
Here are two of mine:

She passes me
lost and abandoned
go figure

I’m learning how to “beat the blues”
Now I just need to



With one quick movement
the cat
Motioned for us to be quiet

There was no room for


That last one should get an award, Tommy.

Very kind. Guess I better copywriter it quick. Kidding.

There’s certainly a story in that last one! I love it!