Getting access to get a FOB and sign waiver


I activated a Dallas Makerspace membership this morning, and I am wondering if there is someone who can let me in the building sometime sooner than Saturday. I am quite open right now, so any time/day can work for me. Please let me know if someone can help me out.


Just show up and ring the bell. There is always someone who will let you in. If not, go around back and there is almost always someone in the parking lot who will let you in

I’ll probably be up around 5:15ish or so until 9:30ish today.
If between those times work, I can DM you my number in case doorbell doesn’t get anyone.

Thanks guys, I’m gonna plan to show up today around 5 or so then. @jsnowfreedman that would be great if no one else is there to help me out.