The Plano Amateur Radio Club will be presenting a Technician level Amateur Radio class on August 25th and 26th. The class will be held at the Allen Central Fire Station Training Center, which is located at 310 Century Parkway, in Allen, Texas. READ THAT AGAIN… This class is NOT at the Dallas Makerspace.
As always the 2 day training class is free, the FCC EXAM is $14.00 cash. We are looking at a time frame of 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM on Saturday and 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM on Sunday, with the licensing EXAM starting at 3:00 PM on Sunday. Limited parking should be available on the north side of the Fire Station. Additional parking is available across the street (Century Parkway), at the City of Allen Municipal Complex.
To prepare for this class, we urge you to pick up a copy of the Technician License Course study guide, by Stu Turner, which complements our class room presentation material. Although we will cover all the material, you should not expect to be able to just walk in and grasp all the information and concepts necessary to successfully pass the exam during our two day course. The material is not difficult, but there are a lot of new terms and concepts which you probably have not been introduced to before. This study guide presents the material in a user friendly manner and is largely written to target a Boy Scout level audience. If you prepare by reading through the study guide at least once prior to the class, marking any items that you have questions about, pay attention and ask questions during the two day training class, there is an excellent probability that you will be able to pass the Technician Licensing exam with a high score.
These study guides are available via Amazon, and locally at the Ham Radio Outlet store 701 E. Plano Parkway Suite 406, across the street from Fry’s Electronics in Plano.
A Government/School issued photo ID will be required to take the exam on Sunday at 3:00 PM (FCC Requirement). Other Amateur Radio class exams (General, and Extra) will also be available for those wishing to take those exams. For these advanced exams, you will need to bring a copy of your current Amateur Radio license and the $14 fee in cash.
To reserve your seat, and register for this class, or if you have additional questions, please send an email to Mike Pruden at ([email protected]). Please provide your NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, and TELEPHONE NUMBER.
Mike Pruden
[email protected]
Richard Meyer, AG5OB, is a member of the Dallas Makerspace and also a member of the Plano Amateur Radio Club.