Gauging Interest -- 3D Printing for Dummies

I have seen a fair number of questions coming in about 3D printing; and I know that in my personal life, as soon as someone hears that I have some experience with it, I get bombarded with questions. Do you think it would be worthwhile to have a non-machine-side class to review 3D printing basics? Specifically to discuss, what is 3D printing, filament vs resin, how the machines work, different filament materials and the pros / cons / uses for each, what you can do, what you can’t do, etc., etc… I wouldn’t specifically gear this to any particular machine and definitely would try to make it clear that this isn’t training in or sign off on the use of our equipment.

I’m a fairly new member and haven’t taught a class here (nor can I claim to be the greatest instructor in the world), but I’ve done a fairly large number of training classes about different things over the years and wouldn’t mind setting something up to help the novice learn what 3D printing is all about and help people decide if it’s something they want to explore further.

Do people think there is value in something like this?


I’m interested!

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Any volunteers to teach?

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If it is okay, I can plan is to set up a class some time after the holiday week. I can put together a syllabus for review / input / approval by the 3D fab committee between now and then.


I would also be interested.

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I would be interested!

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I’d be interested as well.

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I can’t help you on curriculum, but if you need advice from a fellow teacher, feel free to ping me.