Garland to Raze Armory - Build Dog Skate Park - Mayor Resigns

That’s a possibility, but lacking a survey we can’t readily discern the underlying reasons.

I’ve spoken to a few people about this and the reasons fall into two general categories:

  • An interest in getting personal goals accomplished, be it projects or learning
  • An aversion to what’s perceived as the nastiness of DMS politics as observed on Talk

I don’t claim to have a representative sample by any means. But if we assume this sentiment is generally so neatly divisible, the first group lacks fundamental motivation while the second group has some motivation but has decided that they don’t like what they saw.

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You mean like this IMG_2022



Dang! You beat me to it!

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Regardless of motivation, NOT participating in elections, and NOT getting involved in (i.e., joining) committees, are two activities shared by the majority of DMS members.

So the next time someone says “DMS Culture” this and “DMS Culture” that, I hope they’ll remember that “not getting involved” is the culture of the majority of members.


We are working on ways to improve some aspects of this issue

We certainly have people that talk a lot and complain a lot but don’t participate a lot.

Can we guide this back to the Garland Armory and the Mayor resigning. And effect on DMS’s plans?


maybe he was afraid Walter would be there. :sweat_smile:


While Mayor Athas is clearly disappointed the city council voted to pursue dog / skate park. Is he actually in favour of DMS creating a satellite? I cannot find anything to indicate he is. And, if he is not in favour, that makes the Garland city officials rather hostile to the idea and it is really not worth pursuing.

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The mayor wanted it to be a Makerspace and he thought that DMS would be able to make it successful.

But I DO find it interesting that “Makerspace” has not come up during the reporting of this “resignation”. According to excerpts I’ve seen of his own words, and the reports, he thinks the city council has a long history of not listening to their constituents, advisors, counsels, and contractors. He further thinks they are doing the wrong thing to tear down the Armory as well as commandeering ballpark fields for their skating dog park. Supposedly even the Parks department has said they think that is the wrong location, but the council ignored that advise…

He also claimed that the ‘people’ opposed the dog park and skate park at that location; however, the bulk of the testimony I heard during that council meeting seemed to say the exact opposite. What I heard opposed by what appeared to be the majority of speakers was that they opposed a makerspace at the location.

My answer was addressing your question below - nothing more, I don’t follow Garland politics.

This is based on the personal conversations I and others had with the Mayor when we were visiting the Armory to look at it. The fact he brought it up before the council and invited DMS to speak I think is a strong indicator he wanted.

You are free to debate, infer, or imply other conclusions.

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Has anyone from DMS contacted Mayor Athas?

(At a minimum to express thanks for his support.)

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I did NOT see that, but then, I did not watch the whole meeting, either.
One wonders where the truth lies.

My view of what the Mayor wanted was that he wanted DMS to pay for the Garland Makerspace getting off the ground so he could look good for bringing it in with no/low cost.


Section 2.4 Special Meetings

The Board of Directors may hold special meetings as needed at a time and place set by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by or at the request of any Director also serving as Chief Executive Officer or President, or by any two Directors.
Notice of special meetings shall be given to each Director at least seven (7) days prior by any other member of the Board. Such notice may be given by any method as may be designated from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors, and shall state the place, date and time of the meeting and the matters proposed to be acted upon at the meeting. The Director to be contacted shall acknowledge personal receipt of the notice within twenty four hours of receipt.
Notice for a particular special meeting can be waived if all Directors are present and at the start of the special meeting the Directors unanimously vote to waive such notification. Otherwise, no business shall be considered by the Board of Directors and the only motion which the Chairperson shall entertain at such meeting is a motion to adjourn.

Section 2.5 Quorum for Meetings

A quorum shall consist of three-fifths of the Board of Directors represented in person, or with consensus, by a secured and authenticated real time medium, provided that access to this medium is presently available and accessible to all members of the board.
Except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws or provisions of law, no business shall be considered by the Board of Directors at any meeting at which the required quorum is not available, and the only motion which the Chairperson shall entertain at such meeting is a motion to adjourn.

Here are our by law versions, which mirror those in state law

So, a quorum of the board met without notifying the other two members (first and second rule violation), they then colluded to agree to spend DMS funds with the patently absurd statement that Robert was doing so at his own risk, when the three of them agreeing guaranteed he would be paid back. Which would be the third legal violation.

My understanding was that a special meeting of the entire board was actually scheduled for that evening, but for some imaginary ‘emergency’ they couldn’t wait. In none of the language is there any exceptions for emergencies, real or imagined.

Board, having one on one conversations are perfectly legal and allowed under the by laws, a quorum having such conversations are not. Because at that point they are no longer ‘conversations’ but board meetings. Further your being disengenuous considering you should already know all this since it also applies to city councils.

You could exchange emails (to all board members) all you like, but you can’t disuss DMS issues among just three of you (two would be fine) since that represents a quorum, and hence a ‘meeting’ since it only takes a quorum to pass anything.

I will ignore the rest of your absurdities, since you know they don’t apply and your attempting to mask the real, and illegal actions you participated in with them.

Remove the censors


I haven’t, truth be told, we were supporting his outreach to us, we had not approached Garland. But maybe a resolution of thanks by the BoD would be proper and fitting.

Maybe something to the effect, needs wordsmithing


_By Resolution of the Board of Directors, Dallas Makerspace
Resolution of Appreciation

The Dallas Makerspace Board of Directors would like to thank Mayor Athas, Council members and citizens of Garland that asked Dallas Makerspace to become involved and supporting the possibility of a Makerspace at the Air National Guard Armory._

While it did not come to fruition, we hope that the citizens of Garland will be able to someday enjoy the benefits have a vibrant Maker Community. We thank you for thinking of Dallas Makerspace as resource that could help make this happen.

Board of Directors
Dallas Makerspace