I was printing a tire for a rc plane today and before the print I checked to G-Code in the G-Code viewer and it was fine. Halfway through the print I checked the G-Code and it just stopped halfway through. Does anyone know what caused this.
When you save a GCode file, KissSlicer runs a PolyPrinter-specific post-processor over the resulting GCode. (You might notice a DOS window opening as a part of the save process.)
If you saved the file (esp. to a removable drive) then very quickly ejected the drive or copied the file to a new location, the file might have ended up truncated even though it looked good within KissSlicer.
One can check for completeness on the gcode by opening the file using WordPad and scrolling to the bottom of the file. If complete, there should be a number of comment lines (starting with a semicolon) that looks something like this:
; : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : Prime Pillar Path :
; : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : Pause Point :
; : 62.474 : 0 : 0 : 0 : Extruder Warm-Up :
; :.............:.............:.............:.............:............................:
; Total estimated (pre-cool) minutes: 4.99
I think I remember the window popping up. After I uploader it to octoprint I checked it and it was all there. I think it got cut off during the print. I might be wrong through I will make sure next time it save correctly.