Fusion 360 software

Hi there,
Im taking a Fusion 360 multiCam CNC class that requires the Fusion 360 program. Does anyone know where I can’t get it for free or a discounted rate?


As long as you agree to not use it for commercial purposes beyond some arbitrary limit ($100,000?) you can download it directly from AutoDesk. That’s how I got my copy. I vaguely recall it being called “Maker Edition” or some such thing. It’s the full version; just the license agreement is different.

If that is not enough information to get you on the right track report back and I will get you more details.


As Brian says, you can get it free as a student/maker. It gets very easy if you have a .edu email address, especially (so check with your learning institution to be sure if you have one, if you don’t already know; students often get issued one, but never learn to access it or assume they do not. It depends on the institution.)


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it is also available on the jump server, however the updates are not automatic so If you use it from your home computer it will not always open on the jump if your version is more up to date. cheers!