This was rescued from the trash many years ago. It seems to work fine. It doesn’t have a tank or pressure cuttoff switch, instead there is a little pressure relief valve that pops open to relieve pressure. Says max pressure is 40psi, seems to work fine for blowing off dust or inflating low pressure bike tires (Mountain bike, Cruiser type, not high pressure road bike tires)
I like old tools and don’t want to see this end up in the trash. My request for whoever wants it is to take care of it and find it a new home when you are done with it. It was free to me, I am giving it away free, and I hope you can give it to someone down the road.
I haven’t taken the time to figure out how old it is but I am guessing 50-60’s based on the styling. I like old tools that were designed to look good, not just be functional.
I’m in Coppell, and work near Beltline and Josey. I could probably even drop it off at the makerspace.