Hi, I am moving and was hoping to keep my parts collection from ending up in the dumpster
The items I am most certainly looking to donate to a maker-space are as follows:
- Large assortment of pneumatic valves. mostly 12V and some 120V
- A few pneumatic actuators and other assorted pieces in including regulators
- Project boxes. Two of which are industrial outdoor NEMA type.
- assortment of development boards
If you guys think these items would be useful to maker-space members I would be happy to hand them over.
Total cat photobomb there in that first picture.
As a cat owner, I can sympathize.
Ha! Yes to be clear the cat is not included in the offer.
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A bunch of cool stuff, the mind reels at the possibilities. What projects where this parts intended for, @Brian_Eaton ?
I would be interested in most the parts, and can accept all of them if they need a home; I will find use for almost everything pictured, except the cat, and the blue CVS tote… I already have plenty of both(seriously). Project boxes are always fleeting around here, for sure.
Most of the items were destined for the trash can and I grabbed them because they seemed useful without a specific project in mind. I Have always wanted to make a robot or RC battleship with the solenoid valves but was never able to find the time or right air source.
There have been some other items added to the pile that may not be pictured. I will have to check exactly what but there are a few development kits for the MSP430 and renesas parts in there. Also a long range 900MHz radio development board, and some character LCDs of unknown status
I am not sure if this is how the maker space works or not but I was expecting it would find a home and parts would be pillaged as someone found a use for them? I was hoping to get rid of everything or most of it since I don’t have time to piecemeal it.
The stuff is currently in Lake Highlands but I work in North Richardson.
You can certainly deliver it to the Free Shelf. Some committees might have actual requests.
Unfortunately I am not a member, so I don’t have access to the space. Is this something that is outside? It is unlikely that I can get across town at a reasonable hour after work and I am moving next weekend.
If you show up any time with a bunch of stuff to donate, odds are that somebody will let you in. But it might be smart to prearrange something. Not with me, because I live an hour away.
Yeah I am not especially close either. I was hoping someone closer to 75 would be willing to deliver the items to the maker space for the small fee of getting to pillage what they wanted first.
Forgot I had put some roving networks Bluetooth modules in the box. And a vfd char display
I have a bunch (10) of led drivers used for signage type applications. I seem to have misplaced the leds for that project. Could add those of anyone wants them. http://www.ti.com/product/tlc5940
Several people have PMd me to make sure the stuff finds its way to the makerspace. Thanks for helping me out guys. Hope yall can do something cool with it.
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I picked up the goods yesterday… I’ll bring them up to the space Thursday evening (and leave them on the shelf).
If you take something, make something and show it to @Brian_Eaton! I’ve got his contact info.
Edited for clarity