Free Low Fire Slipcasted Bisque!

We have a bunch of free slipcasted bisque pieces over in ceramics that would be extremely cost effective presents this holiday season. Get them while they last! Please keep in mind that they are all low fire clay and can only be glazed with glazes like Stroke and Coat. If you would like to glaze them and have any questions, please let me know! If there is little to no interest, these pieces will be placed on the freebie shelf in 30 days.


Hi Brenda,

I took a couple of these and need to get around to glazing them. When They are ready to be fired, should we just put a note on them so y’all know to do a low firing? My question might help others as well. Thanks!

The low-fire stuff should be put on the greenware shelf, rather than the glazed shelf. When you’re standing at the front of the Ceramics area, gazing at the shelves, the greenware shelf is the one on the right – top 4 shelves only. Maybe a better way to put that is that the bottom 2 shelves are for completely finished ware (should be obvious, but one never knows), and the rest are for greenware and low-fire glazed items. I recommend against putting things on the very-top shelf…

We should probably add some signage to that area so folks who are glazing low-fire ware know where to put it.

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Yes, Beth is right. Please place it on the greenware shelf. Right under this sign.

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Thank you both!