Free: Large Acrylic(?) D12s

We’ve got a number (I think about 8 right now but more coming) of Intel CPU packages that are pretty cool. They look like giant D12s and are about 6x6x6". I’m going to put them on the free shelf in the next few days. If anyone wants me to hold some back I’ll be happy to - I can put in your personal storage if you like.

I thought they’d be cool for a DIY Amazon Echo, bluetooth speaker or something.


I would love to place a a dibs on one for prop making purposes. Thanks! Let me know when you are going to be at DMS next and I’ll meet up with ya (or arrange somewhere to leave it it). Thanks!

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I’d like one, but won’t be back at DMS until Oct.

I’d like to put dibs on 2 if that is ok, would make great DIY nightlights for the kids. Could you put them aside so @dougemes can grab them next time he is up there? I know he has a storage box, just not sure if there is room in it.

Jen Emes

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If I wasn’t leaving town for 2 weeks id claim any of the unclaimed ones. But alas

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Do you have the dice bags, too? Not sure if all the Intel Core i9-9900K came packaged that way. Anyhow, I could use the bags.

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@bookpixie - Find out if @dougemes has room and tell me where his bin is. I’ll leave a couple for you.

@PearceDunlap - Can leave you a few if you have room in your storage. Let me know where it is. We should be getting more in any case.

@bramsey - I do have some bags. Not many - maybe half a dozen right now. Let me know where your storage is - or PM me.

I have a bin, buy I also have a temp storage shelf checked out until Oct 6th. Please feel free to place 2 onto the wood pieces. Facing the corner where vector used to occupy, it’s on the top shelf of the leftmost actual storage. I did print over 70 labels to stickerfy the racks per approval from Pearce, just haven’t stuck then on yet.

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Two D12s in a cardboard box with “Jen” written on the outside - on/by your top-shelf storage.

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