I have the following items for the taking in North Dallas.
It’s bulk trash week and I hope they find a home with someone.
I have a google album that’s supposed to be showing up … one moment. This forum does that sometimes - shows one photo and not the album link. I’m troubleshooting now.
- Plano storage box with multiple bins.
- Leupold Scope has some corrosion outside - fixed focal length - don’t know the barrel size or power - cleaning the lens, the optic appear OK. It has a single + marking on the reticle.
- Large magnifier with desk mounting arm (and the desk mount). Light does not work. Add LED strips where the circular fluorescent bulb went or use external lighting. Dirty but optics are good.
- Two power washers - the blue one is a cheapo from Harbor Freight - It worked fine, though, earlier in the year and now it’s really weak. Maybe you can troubleshoot. Complete with hose. The yellow one is a good one but the hose got chewed by a dog and it doesn’t have a hose. But I recall that it works. It has a new sprayer attached to the side of the unit in the package as noted that I bought at Lowes but I never got the rest of the hose assembly.
- Beer making stuff as noted! WIth some Cooper’s ingredients (excellent if you have never tried it - Cooper’s stout - amazing)) - with a bottle cap applyer and other stuff.
- Gas Grill - Three burner - Working: All main burners, Back infrared burner, mechanically sound, minimal corrosion anywhere. Not working - the side burner - It worked earlier in the year - clogged somewhere. Comes with some cast iron implements as noted. I have to keep the Propane tank as I have other stuff that uses that. They are $25 to $35 plus tax and exchangeable. I’ll sell it for $20 if you want it. Seems about 1/3 full.
- Blended Smokey Scotch - About 95% full - I bought it about a year ago to flavor some tea I was processing - seems like it was about $35 from Specs. It’s pretty good. Sort of like Lafroaig or other such single malts. I have other bar liqueurs I could through in if nobody wants to come get this lot.
All free except the propane container.
But I need it all gone - all of it or none of it