Free HAAS class for Committee Chairs (UPDATE - I screwed up)

Ok, so I had and idea. Our committees seem to get along but not enough cross-pollination between committees often because we simply don’t know what goes on in the different committees. So I’m looking to change that. I’d like to start by offering a free class to the chairs. From my standpoint, the Chair is the main cheerleader for their respective committee. So the more you know about another the more likely you are to give your members ideas of where help can be found. So here is my deal:

I will be setting up a HAAS class for the last Sunday in October. Teacher approval will be required so that I can make sure it will be a chair attending. Please attend but be aware it us 6 hours long. Make a day of it, and make a domino. If this works out, I’ll do the same for the lathe, mill, and plastics (once we move).

The idea here is that HOPEFULLY you’ll do the same with one of your committee classes. Get the other chairs involved in your groups and build some camaraderie and cooperation.
Let me know what you think, and keep an eye out for the class on the calendar.


The class has been created for Sunday Oct 28th. It should post to the calendar in 72 hours. hope to see as many of you there. cheers!

Chairs ? Not vice chairs?

It will be a pretty large class as is. I normally run 15 people but expect over 20.
Win 3D Fab and you can come. :grin:

When will it be one calendar?

It should appear in a couple of days

@Committee_Chairs here you go

setting up a HAAS class for the last Sunday in October … Please attend but be aware it us 6 hours long

Depending on availability I’d be glad to attend to show my support.

The idea here is that HOPEFULLY you’ll do the same with one of your committee classes

While Information Technology/Software Engineering and data sciences may not be an interest for mechanical engineers and light industrial engineers, or general geekery hobbyist. We all share a commonality of wanting to learn how things work and to make things that improve lives. Therefore anyone is open to take a class held by VCC Computer Committee.

Thanks @nicksilva for setting this up.

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They will be able to make a domino on that day?

I don’t know, maybe. this is a special class with a lot of more team building goals in mind. I may set up the haas and let any chair that wants to make the domino. Hopefully it will foster some new ideas.

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@Chairs - what can I offer that you have been wanting to learn, but have not yet had time to take or do? A hands on class is good too.

btw Nick. I need a refresher on the Sherlines. Just saying :smiley:

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Great idea

oh, oh! my mistake - I copied and pasted my regular haas class description and that included the fee. The haas class for chairs is FREE. Unfortunately, the fee field is not one I can edit or delete. If anyone can change that please do. Otherwise chairs - just show up on the 28th for the class.


At the fee drop down it had 2 options. I just dropped down to free.

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Excellent! I’ll see if it lets me add more free slots

John G or Stan The Man should be able to add them if you can not

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while I was not able to make changes, I did have the foresight to set up 30 free spaces. Chairs - please select one of the free spaces. cheers!

So far only 5 chairs have actually signed up. All chairs are welcome, but actually signing up gives me a good idea of the pace I can set and whether we can cut some dominos after class. cheers!

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I’ll be there to take it as a refresher. Never spent time on the simulator yet, and might as well if it’s a freebie for the chairs.


I would love to take this but I have family in town. Keep it up, love the idea of it and I’m sad that I need to miss it. I’m trying to think of a beneficial class I could tech for all of the committee chairs as a result. I only see my brother and his wife once every few years now and it’s important to annoy him in person.

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