Free ceramic molds URGENT - 9/19/19
Found this on craigslist. A ton of free ceramic molds. I don’t have the ability to pick them up, but I figured someone would.

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! (and some grammar)

That’s a serious load of molds. Heavy, heavy molds…

Moved to Ceramics category …

There are a LOT of ceramic molds for free posted here on craigslist.

Cool find. Note that these are in Kaufman.

EDIT: Moved this to Ceramics category and combined with existing thread.

Word of caution. Molds are like large, heavy, non-cuddly, fragile tribbles. If you get a stash like this you will start using them as bases for dining tables, beds, yard décor, walls for additions to your house, blocks for the Camaro you keep in the front yard… One day you will look around and wonder where they all came from and then question what you are doing with your life. Best thing to do is befriend the poor sod that picks those up, but only if you don’t have a pickup or a storage shed.


is it just me or do the dirt floors of that place look super sketchy? Just make sure to go in a pack of 5 and take concealed weapons…

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and, apparently, be careful what you wear…

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And take a bard too if you can find one


A couple of years ago, I was just getting into ceramics. I had just learned how to do slip casting and was having fun doing it. Making mugs and plates mostly. I gave these away because, well I just didn’t have a lot of room for the plates and mugs at home. Somehow, though I thought I had room for some molds. I caught a facebook deal just like the one listed. Come take all of my free molds but you have to take them all. (This is the gotcha.)

It took the better part of an afternoon to load them all in my pickup and haul them back home. They sat on my covered porch for almost six months before I used the first one of them. It was a different shaped mug than those at DMS so I wanted to try it.

I’ve sorted through them several times. Many were chipped, some were badly broken and some were just so ugly I couldn’t imagine using them. I discarded these but I still have about 50 left. Some are seasonal and I’m sure were popular at one time, but I don’t think I’ll ever use them. I own a kiln and have lots of slip, but have I poured any of the many molds? Nope.

I agree with your caution, unless you are just looking to help someone out by cleaning out their storage area or you’re looking to start a business pouring molds you should resist getting these.

Maybe I should have my own facebook give-away.:grinning:


“Must take all” like that requires a bunch of car or a uhaul.

Exactly. I’m pretty sure I remember that Julie rented a UHaul when she was working on the (admittedly, larger) collection that the Space’s supply is winnowed out from. Granted, she also sold off anything that was too large (flower pots that would’ve taken up most of a kiln load), and stuff that nobody wanted.

And, that looked like at least 2 pick-up bed loads to me.


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And wear a hard hat and steel toe shoes …


Uhhhhh sorry about that. I guess that’s what a reply looks like from inside my pocket.

My wife and son, who have been the recipient of many of my “butt” texts or calls have told me repeatedly how to prevent them from happening, but it still happens to me. I’m careless with the whole process I guess. Several of them have been like yours, complete gibberish. I got a big laugh from them. Thanks for clarifying.

DMS, please comment if you HAVE NEVER had this happen to you.


I notice a posting on craigslist for “Ceramic Molds” for FREE.


Feel free to follow-up if interested.


Thanks for posting this. I’m going to consolidate it with the other thread reporting this listing.


Funny cause it’s true, lol