Nice tool stand, heavy cast aluminum. Perfect for someone setting up their own shop. See photos for dimensions. If someone has a use for it I’ll bring it up to DMS and pass it on.
Note: I just checked again and the legs are cast aluminum but the panel connecting them is steel.
Nice tool stand, heavy cast aluminum. Perfect for someone setting up their own shop. See photos for dimensions. If someone has a use for it I’ll bring it up to DMS and pass it on.
Whoa, the whole thing is cast aluminum? That’s neat and with some modifications would be a great stand for my saltwater mixing station.
Giving it a day or so in case there’s someone that’s like “this is perfect!” and super needs it - I remember when I was getting started. If not, we can coordinate a time!
Thanks for posting!
Will definitely let you know. I tried to find how to post directly to maker trade, but I didn’t see that as an option, but I see this has been reposted. Do you have any idea how?
Not sure about moving a topic. but to post:
Catagoriies> OFF TOPIC (click)
Subcatagories> MAKER TRADE (click)
[edit] sorry, that was a search. For posting on a computer internet, in the catagory I had to scroll further than just OFFTOPIC to see
What platform (mobile or computer)?
Either case, create a new topic
select the pulldown for “category”
search for “trade”
and select the category
Then fill out the Title/Subject and body and click “create topic”
Moving a topic, if OP, moderator, or TL3+
click the “edit” button (pencil)
click the Category field, then search or scroll to look for preferred category
select the new category, and the checkmark to save
(I hit the grey X to close, because I didn’t want to move this thread)
Thank you. I didn’t notice Trade was a subcategory of Off Topic. I’m learning to Talk little by little
So I understand the etiquette here, should I only put free stuff in the Trade category? Am I allowed to list it in the interest group also? For example, I have a few batches of hard drives I’d like to pass on. Just Trade, or also Digital Media, Electronics, etc.
There are some links, in addition to the wall of words, in the Read First thread pinned at the top, that might help. For example, the new user guide(s) in the first paragraph.
No, “for sale” items are fine there, too.
Rather than “also”, more “instead”.
Because Discourse works the way it does, most of our browsers tend to use the “latest” feed, which combines all of the categories into a single feed, so posting in one category tends to be just as seen, and less busy, than posting the same content to multiple categories.
Thanks. I don’t have a feed set up that way but now that I know most people do, that’s how I’ll post in the future.
I think it’s the default, and clicking the DMS logo in the top left loads it up, so that tends to be a touchstone for browsers of this site.
Of course, it turns out I was set up that way. Default, as you say. Thanks for sticking with me here.
Thank YOU for being willing to learn and sticking with me to what I hope is a great beginning of a fun journey at the 'Space.