Free 2x4s and 1/4 plywood

I have a few 2x4s (most 10ft, with some 2-4ft offcuts) and a roughly 2ft x 8ft piece of 1/4" plywood left over from my last project. I don’t have anything to use it on at the moment and no place to store it at home. If anyone would like some or all of it, let me know and you can have it. If I can’t find any takers in the next couple of days, it will be thrown out.

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I’ll take some or all of it and can do so this evening.

Sounds good. As you can probably see from the photo, it’s in one of the tall storage slots by the woodshop entrance and marked with my name (Jacob Eggleston) and a date of 6-26. I only live 10 minutes away and can easily meet you over there, if you’d like, or you also have my permission to just take it.

Sounds good and no help will be needed but thanks for offering. Lets see if anyone else chimes in with a need for any of it today, I don’t mind sharing.

I’d like some of it (no specific projects in mind just some wood I can use to practice with). @jphelps perhaps you could see what you wanted first? I’ll be up at DMS this afternoon for some classes, or we can arrange to meet later.

Is there any plywood left?

There was only one piece of plywood and I’m not at the makerspace, so I don’t know if either @jphelps or @excalbian took it. Although I do have an extra 4x4 sheet of 1/4 ply at my apartment that you could have if you’d like. I’m in Coppell, near the corner of MacArthur and Beltline Rd. DM me if you’re interested and I can send you the address.

@jphelps and I divided up the wood earlier at DMS. Thanks again @jeggleston !!!

The one piece of ply was roughly 1/8” 1’ by 8’ and I’ve got it at home. If you have a specific project I could bring it back to the space, otherwise one of the ideas I have for it is for my automated chess board (:shushing_face:).

Storage spot cleaned out 100%. Thank you!

You’re welcome and thank you both! I’m glad glad someone was able to put it to use :blush: