I have an AI file that is about 200mm x 50mm. This is clearly shown on the RDWorks ruler (~1.7" x 7"). I am trying to etch it on a piece of glass using the rotary attachment. When I download the file to the laser, set the origin, and then run the frame; the frame is very large. 100s of mm in each direction. The Y-axis just rotates the glass several times, and the x is way off. When I try to Start the job the LCD says “Frame/X/Y Slop Over” and will not run the job. Is there something basic that I missed in setting the scale?
Did you check the Rotate settings in RDWorks? Make sure it is enabled and the diameter is same as your glass. When you preview in RDWorks it should look all skewed and distorted.
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Yup. Did that just like in the training class and as documented in the laser wiki notes on the rotary. Laser Rotary Tool Instructions - Dallas Makerspace
I worked around the problem by manually setting the page size to 50mm x 200mm. The problem is it kept reverting by its self to 900mm x 600mm.
what was the diameter of your glass?
and some random phrase
Please send me the file.
[email protected]
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