Foundry/Fired Arts Committee meeting

Reminder that the Foundry/Fired Arts Committee meeting is tonight at 7pm in the Tiny Purple Classroom.

Agenda is to select a committee chair for the next six months and to plan future classes.

Sorry for the late notice on Talk, but I at least remembered to put it on the calendar. :wink:


@dryad2b @coloneldan @JohnK @Amna


I can’t make it, but please post what you all end up with. Because I will fully try and do my part to support the committee when I see the opportunity aligns with my time. :wink: Thanks for all your work @Nathan_Jones and the others that have continued to grow Fired Arts.

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Thanks @Nick! We’re doing our best over in the corner. :slight_smile:


I’ll be there Nathan. Looking forward to another great 6 months. Maybe I’ll finally get around to teaching the lead came stained glass class.


I’m going to try and make it because I’d like to get involved and learn foundry related things

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